Fairfax Family Dental Care

Treating TMJ Disorder with an Oral Appliance

Apr 1, 2023 @ 01:36 PM — by fairfaxfamilydentalcare
Tagged with: Treating Tmj Disorder With An Oral Appliance

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD) can come with painful symptoms that impact your everyday life. Oral appliance therapy can give your temporomandibular joints (TMJs) the relief they need. Unlike a store-bought mouth guard, the oral appliances made at our Fairfax, VA, dental office are custom made to provide you with a perfect fit. Treating TMJ disorder is easier than ever thanks to oral appliances. 

What’s Causing Your TMJ Disorder?

Your oral appliance is customized to address the unique concerns that are causing your TMD, including:

Types of Oral Appliances

The oral appliance that’s right for you largely depends on what’s causing your TMD and how the oral appliance can help reduce those problems. Various types of oral appliances exist for TMD patients, some of which include:

Why Choose a Custom Oral Appliance?

The dentists at our Fairfax office craft customized oral appliances that are the perfect fit for your mouth. Custom oral appliances can have many benefits over store-bought mouthguards, including:

Oral appliances are a non-invasive, low-risk way to improve your TMJ functioning and decrease stress put upon them. To learn more about the process of creating a custom oral appliance and start your journey to pain-free jaw health, request a consultation to see our Fairfax dental team. Call us at (703) 385-0303 or visit our website to request a consultation.