Fairfax Family Dental Care

Can I Undergo Teeth Whitening During Invisalign® Treatment?

Nov 30, 2022 @ 09:00 AM — by fairfaxfamilydentalcare
Tagged with: Invisalign Teeth Whitening

There are many cosmetic imperfections that detract from the beauty of the smile. Two of the most obvious are discoloration and misalignment. Invisalign® is a popular solution for malocclusion issues, or misaligned teeth. This orthodontic treatment uses clear plastic aligner trays to gradually shift the teeth into proper position.

As patients see their smile transform during Invisalign treatment, they are often eager to address other blemishes, including dental stains and discoloration. However, it is important to consider whether teeth whitening is a good idea during Invisalign treatment. Here, the dentists from Fairfax Family Dental, in Fairfax, VA, discuss teeth whitening options that are well-suited to Invisalign patients.

Is It Okay to Undergo Teeth Whitening During Invisalign Treatment?

When discoloration is a concern, patients are likely to consider teeth whitening treatment. Prior to looking into teeth whitening options, Invisalign patients should be sure that it is not their aligners that are making the teeth appear yellow. Aligner trays are clear, but if patients do not care for them properly and maintain good oral hygiene habits, the aligners could take on a cloudy or discolored appearance, which can affect the appearance of the teeth.

If discoloration or dental stains are truly on the surface of the teeth, and not the result of poorly maintained aligners, teeth whitening treatment can be effective. Technically, it is okay to undergo teeth whitening treatment while using Invisalign, but patients should talk to our dentists about which whitening option is right for them and optimal timing.

Invisalign Teeth Whitening Options

Choosing the right teeth whitening method is important during Invisalign treatment. Our Fairfax patients should get the whitening results they desire without compromising the effectiveness of Invisalign, and without causing other dental complications. The most common whitening options are in-office teeth whitening treatment, at-home whitening, and over-the-counter whitening products.

Teeth Whitening After Invisalign Treatment Is Complete

Although teeth whitening treatment is possible during Invisalign, we often suggest that patients consider waiting until after Invisalign is complete. Within six months of completing Invisalign, the teeth should be settled into their new position and patients can choose any teeth whitening method that they think suits them to enhance tooth color and create a uniformly white smile.

Contact Us

The dental team at Fairfax Family Dental Care would be happy to help you consider the best method for whitening your teeth while undergoing Invisalign treatment. To discuss your unique needs and desires with a member of our staff, send us a message online or call (703) 385-0303 and request an appointment.