Fairfax Family Dental Care

Pros and Cons of Dental Sealants

Mar 21, 2023 @ 08:14 AM — by fairfaxfamilydentalcare
Tagged with: Dental Sealants

The teeth have a tough job. They bite and chew foods and make eating possible. Many foods have sugars and acids that attract bacteria and threaten the health and structure of the teeth. Brushing and flossing protect the teeth, but sometimes professional dental services are necessary to maintain a healthy and attractive smile.

The dentists at Fairfax Family Dental Care in Fairfax, VA, offer preventative dental services to preserve your oral health. Among these are sealants and fluoride treatments, which discourage plaque buildup and minimize the risk of tooth decay or cavities. Our dentists discuss the pros and cons of dental sealants so patients can make informed decisions regarding treatment.

What Are Dental Sealants?

Dental sealants are a clear plastic coating that is brushed onto the biting surface of the teeth. Sealants act as a protective layer to block food particles from getting trapped in the grooves of the teeth. Treatment discourages plaque buildup associated with dental cavities. Dental sealants are most frequently applied to the back teeth (molars and premolars) because they have deeper grooves and are difficult to reach, making it harder to clean them properly.

Advantages of Dental Sealants

Dental sealants are a safe and effective way to reduce the risk of cavities. Dental sealants are most often recommended for children who have just gotten their adult teeth, individuals with poor oral hygiene habits, or those who are genetically predisposed to cavities. Some of the most notable advantages of dental sealants include:

Disadvantages of Dental Sealants

There are few drawbacks to dental sealants. The primary disadvantages are that they cannot be placed over dental fillings or dental cavities and they are not as durable as dental restorations. Dental sealants last five years on average. After sealants wear out they are ineffective unless treatment is repeated.

It is essential that dental sealants are not placed over teeth already experiencing decay. If decay is present, dental sealants could trap acids in the treated tooth and lead to further dental complications. This is an unlikely complication that is easily prevented with a thorough dental exam.

Contact Us

The dentists at Fairfax Family Dental Care offer a comprehensive range of preventative, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry services. To learn more about our dental treatments and how they can help you enjoy your ideal smile, send us a message or call (703) 385-0303 at your earliest convenience.